
Modern Cloud IT Services Dayton, OH

Make the migration to a modern, safe, and efficient cloud computing platform that works for you.

Cloud Services & Computing Company Dayton, OH

The PCMag defines Cloud Computing as ‘hardware and software from a provider on the internet’.  Or to put it another way, cloud solutions mean accessing, using, and storing data and programs over the internet, instead of your computer’s own hard drive; enabling you to work at the office, when travelling, or work from home.  

Cloud computing has removed the need for expensive software and bulky hardware humming away in the corner. Gone is the need to budget for eyewatering running costs and in-house expertise to manage it.

The Cloud Computing Service in Dayton Revolution

Before cloud computing, your desktops, printers, and servers would connect to create a local computing network within the physical four walls of your business. Often resembling a small tower block, the server invariably needed its own room, required cooling by any number of noisy fans perched on every available surface including the floor, and its fickle whims tending-to by an expert technician.

Everything you used was physically close to you, stored on hardware that you could touch, see, and hear. Typically, servers needed huge storage capability and fast drives to deal with heavy traffic on the network.  With the exception of micro businesses or businesses run from home, almost every organization needed this type of setup.

A Scalable Cloud Solution for Dayton Businesses

Now, there’s another way. Layer 2 technicians provide a scalable cloud computing solution that delivers the right amount of IT resources for each aspect of your business.

We partner with some of the best Cloud Service Providers in the World. Partnerships with the likes of Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure and others, will give your business access to a powerful suite of cloud services that our technicians can customize precisely to the needs of your growing business.

Moreover, essential monitoring and management is taken care of too, guaranteeing outstanding performance with every key-strike.

Cloud Computing

Whether you’re working from home or at the office, with a Layer 2 Cloud environment delivered over the internet, you will have innovative tech at your finger tips 24 of 7, every single week of the year.

Get Started With A Free Consultation
To See If Cloud Computing Is Right For You

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