
Cybersecurity Breach

June 19, 2024

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Project Description

At Layer 2 Computers, we prioritize the security of our clients' data and systems. Recently, one of our clients faced a significant cybersecurity threat that put their sensitive information at risk. Here's how we swiftly responded to protect their assets and ensure their business operations remained secure.

The Incident
Our monitoring software alerted us to suspicious activity involving one of our clients. The client had received a seemingly legitimate email from one of their vendors based in Taiwan, containing a link to a secure document requiring their Microsoft credentials. Trusting the source, they entered their credentials, but the authentication process failed due to the two-factor authentication (2FA) requirements. This raised immediate red flags.

Upon further investigation, we discovered that the vendor's system in Taiwan had been compromised. The attackers, located in Lithuania, were using the vendor's email system to phish for credentials from unsuspecting clients. This sophisticated attack could have led to a severe data breach if not handled promptly.

Our Response
As soon as we were alerted, our team sprang into action. We promptly locked down the client's Microsoft account to prevent any unauthorized access. This included changing passwords and revoking any active sessions. To further secure the account, we rotated all relevant credentials and enforced new, stronger passwords, ensuring that any stolen credentials would be rendered useless.

The Outcome
Thanks to our swift and comprehensive response, the client’s data remained secure, and their business operations were uninterrupted. This incident highlighted the importance of vigilance and having a trusted IT partner ready to act at a moment's notice.

We are dedicated to providing top-notch cybersecurity services to protect our clients from emerging threats. If you have any concerns about your IT security or need assistance with safeguarding your business, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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